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Terms & conditions

Welcome to the ABDELIVE blog, by using this blog you agree to comply with and abide by the following terms and conditions. Therefore, please read these terms carefully. If you do not agree with these provisions, you should not consult the information provided in the Code.

All resources and news contained in the ABDELIVE blog are presented "as is" without any warranty, and your use of the blog's services or your application of any of the explanations and articles found there is at your sole risk. . liability for any contract or agreement entered into independently between its users or any other party.

The blog offers the possibility of commenting on the content published there. Like all users, you have the right to participate in the comment, provided that you do not post any content that could be harmful, illegal, defamatory, infringing, abusive, inciting, dirty, harassing or similar. You are solely responsible for the comments you post. The intellectual property rights in the comments remain registered with you. But the owner of the blog has the right to reuse the comments in any activity related to the blog without the need to seek prior permission from the commenter, provided that he mentions the name of the commenter and does not modify the comment in any way which leads to distortion of its meaning. To comment on the blog, it is best to mention your personal name. You may use a pseudonym, but impersonation of any person or entity is never permitted. It is best to mention your real email when commenting. The blog undertakes not to use this mail for any activity other than personal correspondence. You agree not to give your mail to a third party without your prior authorization. You must not modify or adapt the Code or use it in any illegal manner or in any other way that could harm or disrupt the Code. The blog collects some of your data, such as browser type, operating system, IP number...etc. The purpose of collecting this data is to improve the level of service. The blog has the right to share this data with a third party without linking this data to your personal identity. This agreement may change from time to time as I deem fit for the purpose of the blog, so I ask you to read it and respect it. We are not responsible for any damages that may result from the failure to correctly apply certain explanations.

Your use and navigation of the blog signifies your full acceptance of all terms on this page. If you do not accept the terms of this page, you are not authorized to browse the sites and view its content and you must stop using it now.
